Helping girls become confident, godly women who are leaders in the church, home, and world.
Girls Ministries is a church-based discipleship program that has a legacy of godly women coming alongside girls, guiding them on a path to become mature and godly women. Our goal is simple: To see every girl moving toward a deep relationship with Jesus Christ, and to realize her importance and potential in the kingdom of God.

Join the Club!
If you're looking for a girls ministry that seamlessly weaves fun and biblical training together, Girls Ministries Clubs are for you! Your girls will get:
• Adventures, activities, and games that show them how discovering God's Word is fun!
• Lessons in valuable life skills from sportsmanship and integrity, to cooking and outreach.
• One-on-one help in choosing actions, attitudes, and behaviors that please God.

Girls encounter challenging situations as they grow up. By intentionally fostering relationships between girls and leaders through Girls Clubs, you can create a safe environment for girls to discuss issues they face and get godly counsel. Most importantly, Girls Ministries Girls Clubs show each girl that God loves her and wants a relationship with her.
To see every girl moving toward a deep relationship with Christ,
and to realize her importance and potential in the kingdom of God.
MORE INFO at ngm.ag.org
Additional questions about Revelation Church’s branch of Girls Ministry, RevGirls:
Email amysaucier27@gmail.com